Det kan ibland vara roligt att ha ett annorlunda namn när man får mail från okända personer på facebook
Melanie Rerie den 2 mars kl. 04:34 Anmäl
Hello my name is Melanie Rerie I am from Winnipeg Manitoba and i am married to Brandon just wondering if this is the right Emma that once visited Winnipeg? if it is it would be totally cool to talk I have missed you. Please let me know if you recognize me.
Kena Drunkenstein Prentice den 25 april kl. 08:41
Nu undrar du säkert vem jag är, jag är nog inte säker på att på att det är rätt Emma om du inte råkar jobba som grafisk designer på en reklambyrå i Stockholm?
Randy Hamilton den 25 juni kl. 03:05 Anmäl
im gonna try this again. i wish you well truly. i hope you are happy. i think of you and how lucky i was to have known you. i would just like to know your good and i would like you to know how utterly sorry i am for getting you caught in my broken state. it has taken me years to even begin to have real control over myself and to finally understand. most importantly to forgive. please accept my wishes for health and happiness. p.s. your father still teaches me things, he was one of few that ive tried modeling myself after.
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